Terms Of Service
We want your BetTurtle experience to be an enjoyable one.
Our terms of service explains what to expect from us and what we expect from you in return.
BetTurtle terms of use for website and mobile apps
These Terms of Use exist between you and BetTurtle. By using the BetTurtle website and/or mobile sites/apps and by registering with BetTurtle you agree to be bound by, and comply with, the Terms of Use.
Users must be over 18 years of age. BetTurtle information is supplied for the exclusive use of the individual subscriber and must not be copied, reproduced or distributed in any way without explicit permission in writing. Please read our full copyright notice below. Commercial users in any doubt about whether their current or intended usage infringes these terms should contact BetTurtle for clarification.
If we make significant changes to these Terms of Use we will take appropriate steps to bring such changes to your attention (such as by placing a notice of change in a prominent position on the BetTurtle web site). It is your responsibility to check those Terms of Use from time to time to ensure you agree with them and your continued use of the BetTurtle web site and mobile apps will be deemed to be your acceptance of any changes to the Terms of Use.
We work hard to ensure our website and apps work continually, but when things do go wrong we will endeavour to fix things quickly and ensure disruption is kept to a minimum. From time to time we will make changes to BetTurtle and will advertise service disruptions on either our website or social media channels.
To access premium content, and to make any purchase, you will need to be registered. There is no charge to register and we provide a number of services for free.
To register you are required to complete all mandatory fields, including a permanent email address at which you can be contacted in the event of queries about your account. We do not accept registrations from email domains specifically designed to offer temporary mailboxes and, for security reasons, we reserve the right not to respond to account enquiries sent from different addresses.
Certain services may not be available in certain countries due to regulatory conditions.
Concerned about privacy? See our privacy policy.
New Features
We continually work with our customers to better understand how we can improve BetTurtle. We will add new features at regular intervals aimed at improving your experience and providing you with additional value in using the service. We reserve the right to charge additional fees for new features.
Copyright And Liability
Copyright in all BetTurtle Content and Data is strictly reserved by the Publishers and no material therein may be reproduced stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic mechanical photo-copying recording or otherwise without written permission of BetTurtle. BetTurtle is supplied to the purchaser for his/her personal use and on the understanding that its contents are not disclosed. Except where the purchaser is dealing as a consumer (as defined in the Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977 Section 12) all conditions warranties or terms relating to fitness for purpose merchantability or condition of the goods and whether implied by Statute Common Law or otherwise are excluded and no responsibility is accepted by the Publishers for any loss whatsoever caused by any acts errors or omissions whether negligent or otherwise of the Publishers their Servants Agents or otherwise.