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Stats are calculated based on today's race code (i.e Flat, Chase, Hurdle, NHF, All Weather)
Basic - Available to Basic, Enhanced and Pro Subscribers
Pro - Only available to Pro Subscribers
Filters - Available to use on system filters.
Course Basic Filters Racecourse name
RaceCode Basic Filters Race code (HDL - Hurdle, CHS - Chase, AWF - All Weather Flat, FLT - Flat, NHF - National Hunt Flat
RaceType Basic Filters Race type (Listed, Claimer, Maiden, Seller, Handicap, Graded, Other races)
Runners Basic Filters Number of runners
DecRunners Pro Filters Number of originally declated runners (includes non runners
NumPlaces Pro Number of placed runners
ExNumPlaces Pro Number of placed runners on exchanges
Placed Pro Y if the runner was placed
ExPlaced Pro True if the runner was placed on the exchanges
Distance Basic Filters Distance, to nearest furlong
Going Basic Todays going
Class Basic Filters Race class
LastRan Basic Filters Days since last run
LastWon Basic Days since last win
RunsSince Basic Filters Number of runs since last win
HcapCount Basic Filters Number of handicap runs
Name Basic Horse name
Age Basic Filters Horse age
Sex Basic Filters Horse sex
CD Basic Filters Course performance (C - Course Winner, D - Distance Winner, CD - Course and Distance Winner)
Gambled Pro Filters Determines if the horse was gambled on in last race
BeatFav Basic Filters Whether the horse was a beaten favourite (BF) last race
Headgear Basic Filters Horse wearing headgear (Y)
FirstGear Basic Filters Horse wearing first time headgear (Y)
GearOn Basic Horse has headgear back having run without it in recent races (Y)
Type Basic Filters The BetTurtle horse type (Exposed - Well understood horse, Sleeper - A horse that has rated higher in past, but out of form, Unexposed - May improve, In Form - Horse running well, Debutant - First time runner
RunStyle Basic Filters Normal running style of horse (Leads/Prominent - Front Runner, Midfield - Runs in midfield, Rear - Runs at back
OR Basic Official handicap rating.
Last_OR Basic Last handicap rating.
HWM Basic Highest winning handicap mark
LastWM Basic Last winning handicap mark
Form Basic BetTurtle form figure
Speed Basic BetTurtle speed figure
Odds Basic Filters Traditional odds
OddsPos Basic Filters Odds market position.
DecOdds Basic Filters Decimal odds
MinOdds Basic Minimum odds horse has been today
MaxOdds Basic Maximum odds horse has been today
AvgOdds Basic Average odds horse has been today
Wins Basic Number of wins
Runs Basic Number of runs
HCrsWin Basic Filters Number of course wins
HCrsRun Basic Filters Number of course runs
HCrsStrk Basic Filters Course strike rate
HGngWin Basic Filters Going wins
HGngRun Basic Filters Going runs
HGngStrk Basic Filters Going strike rate
GoingGood Pro Going good performances
GoingGoodStrike Pro Going good performances strike rate
DistanceGood Pro Distnace good performances
DistanceGoodStrike Pro Distance good performances strike rate
ClassGood Pro Class good performances
ClassGoodStrike Pro Class good performances strike rate
HandicapGood Pro Handicap good performances
HandicapGoodStrike Pro Handicap good performances strike rate
DistChange Basic Filters Distance Change (UP - Up in distance, DOWN - Down in distance, SAME - Same distance
HDisWin Basic Filters Distance wins
HDisRun Basic Filters Distance runs
HDisStrk Basic Filters Distance strike rate
ClassChange Basic Filters Class change (UP - Up in class, DOWN - Down in class, SAME - Same class)
HClassWin Basic Filters Class wins
HClassRun Basic Filters Class runs
HClassStrk Basic Filters Class strike rate
HTotPrize Basic Total prize money
Trainer Basic Filters Trainer name
TCrseWin Basic Trainer course wins
TCrseRun Basic Trainer course runs
TCrseStrk Basic Trainer course strike rate
TRTypeWin Basic Trainer race type win
TRTypeRun Basic Trainer race type runs
TRTypeStrk Basic Trainer race type strike rate
T14Win Basic Trainer 14 day winners
T14Run Basic Trainer 14 day runners
T14Strk Basic Filters Trainer 14 day strike rate
T30Win Basic Trainer 30 day winners
T30Run Basic Trainer 30 day runners
T30Strk Basic Filters Trainer 30 day strike rate
T60Win Basic Trainer 60 day winners
T60Run Basic Trainer 60 day runners
T60Strk Basic Filters Trainer 60 day strike rate
TJWin Basic Trainer/Jockey wins
TJRun Basic Trainer/Jockey runs
TJStrk Basic Trainer/Jockey strike rate
Jockey Basic Filters Jockey name
JCrseWin Basic Jockey course wins
JCrseRun Basic Jockey course runs
JCrseStrk Basic Jockey course strike rate
JRTypeWin Basic Jockey race type wins
JRTypeRun Basic Jockey race type runs
JRTypeStrk Basic Jockey race type strike rate
J14Win Basic Jockey 14 day winners
J14Run Basic Jockey 14 day runners
J14Strk Basic Filters Jockey 14 day strike rate
J30Win Basic Jockey 30 day winners
J30Run Basic Jockey 30 day runners
J30Strk Basic Filters Jockey 30 day strike rate
J60Win Basic Jockey 60 day winners
J60Run Basic Jockey 60 day runners
J60Strk Basic Filters Jockey 60 day strike rate
Owner Basic Filters Owner name
OCrseWin Basic Owner course wins
OCrseRun Basic Owner course runs
OCrseStrk Basic Owner course strike rate
ORTypeWin Basic Owner race type wins
ORTypeRun Basic Owner race type runs
ORTypeStrk Basic Owner race type strike rate
O14Win Basic Owner 14 day winners
O14Run Basic Owner 14 day runners
O14Strk Basic Filters Owner 14 day strike rate
O30Win Basic Owner 30 day winners
O30Run Basic Owner 30 day runners
O30Strk Basic Filters Owner 30 day strike rate
O60Win Basic Owner 60 day winners
O60Run Basic Owner 60 day runners
O60Strk Basic Filters Owner 60 day strike rate
Sire Basic Sire name
SCrseWin Basic Sire course wins
SCrseRun Basic Sire course runs
SCrseStrk Basic Sire course strike rate
SClassWin Pro Sire class wins
SClassRun Pro Sire class runs
SClassStrk Pro Sire class strike rate
SDistanceWin Pro Sire distance wins
SDistanceRun Pro Sire distance runs
SDistanceStrk Pro Sire distance strike rate
SGoingWin Pro Sire going wins
SGoingRun Pro Sire going runs
SGoingStrk Pro Sire going strike rate
SRTypeWin Basic Sire race type wins
SRTypeRun Basic Sire race type runs
SRTypeStrk Basic Sire race type strike rate
S14Win Basic Sire 14 day winners
S14Run Basic Sire 14 day runners
S14Strk Basic Sire 14 day strike rate
S30Win Basic Sire 30 day winners
S30Run Basic Sire 30 day runners
S30Strk Basic Sire 30 day strike rate
S60Win Basic Sire 60 day winners
S60Run Basic Sire 60 day runners
S60Strk Basic Sire 60 day strike rate
LastPerf Basic Filters How BetTurtle rated the horses last run performance
LastPerf_2 Basic How BetTurtle rated the horses second last run performance
Fitness Pro Filters Estimate of horses fitness. 1 - Good, 2 - Okay, 3 - Poor
Ability Basic Filters Horses ability horseshoe rating (1 - Proven ability, 2 - Needs to improve, 3 - Major improvement required)
Conditions Basic Filters Horses conditions horseshoe rating (1 - Proven under conditions, 2 - Doubts under conditions, 3 - Major doubts under conditions)
Vibes Basic Filters Racecourse and press vibes (1 - Press and tipster vibes strong, 2 - Press and tipster vibes mild, 3 - Press and tipster vibes negative)
Market Basic Filters Horses market horseshoe rating (1 - Positive odds movement, 2 - Steady in market, 3 - Negative odds movement)
Rank Basic Filters Current pick rank according to BetTurtle horse shoes ratings (can change through racing day)
Tip Basic Filters Horse we have tipped today (Y)
BestTip Pro BetTurtle Best Bet (NAP, NB, Value Bet, Lay, Lay of Day, Back, TV Tip)
WellHcap Basic Filters BetTurtle view on whether the horse is well handicapped (Positive - Horse is well handicapped, Neutral - Horse is handicapped okay, Negative - Horse is poorly handicapped)
FormRate Basic Filters BetTurtle view on whether the horse is well handicapped, based on the BetTurtle form rating (Positive - Horse is well handicapped, Neutral - Horse is handicapped okay, Negative - Horse is poorly handicapped)
TForm Basic Filters BetTurtle view on trainer form (H - Hot trainer, with winners at an above average rate, C - Cold trainer, with winners at a below average rate)
JForm Basic Filters BetTurtle view on jockey form (H - Hot jockey, with winners at an above average rate, C - Cold jockey, with winners at a below average rate)
GreenShoes Pro Filters Number of green horseshoes
AmberShoes Pro Filters Number of amber horseshoes
RedShoes Pro Filters Number of red horseshoes
FormRank Pro Filters Form rank order
SpeedRank Pro Filters Speed rank order
ORRank Pro Official rating rank order
FormImproved Pro Filters True, if improved form shown in last race
SpeedImproved Pro Filters True, if improved speed shown in last race
ORImproved Pro True, if improved handicap mark from last race
LastForm Pro Last form rating
Last6Form Pro Last 6 form ratings
LastSpeed Pro Last speed rating
Last6Speed Pro Last 6 speed ratings
LastJC Pro Last race handicap rating
Last6JC Pro Last 6 race handicap ratings
Place1 Pro Number of places in last 1 race
Place2 Pro Number of places in last 2 races
Place3 Pro Number of places in last 3 races
Place4 Pro Number of places in last 4 races
Place5 Pro Number of places in last 5 races
Place6 Pro Number of places in last 6 races
HcapScore Pro Estimate, in lbs, of how well handicapped the horse is
HHcapWin Pro Number of handicap wins
HHcapRun Pro Number of handicap runs
HHcapStrk Pro Handicap strike rate
HTJRank Pro Rank of trainer jockey percentage
JBreakWins Pro Jockey wins after a horse break
JBreakRuns Pro Jockey rides after a horse break
JBreakStrike Pro Jockey strike rate horse break
JDebutWins Pro Jockey wins after a horse debut
JDebutRuns Pro Jockey rides after a horse debut
JDebutStrike Pro Jockey strike rate horse debut
JHGBackWins Pro Jockey wins after a horse headgear back on
JHGBackRuns Pro Jockey rides after a horse headgear back on
JHGBackStrike Pro Jockey strike rate horse headgear back on
JHGFirstWins Pro Jockey wins with horse headgear first on
JHGFirstRuns Pro Jockey rides with horse headgear first on
JHGFirstStrike Pro Jockey strike rate horse headgear first on
JHGHcp1sttWins Pro Jockey wins with horse 1st handicap
JHGHcp1sttRuns Pro Jockey rides with horse 1st handicap
JHGHcp1sttStrike Pro Jockey strike rate horse 1st handicap
JFavWin Pro Jockey wins favourites
JFavRuns Pro Jockey rides favourites
JFavStrike Pro Jockey strike rate favourites
JOOWin Pro Jockey wins odds on
JOORuns Pro Jockey rides odds on
JOOStrike Pro Jockey strike rate odds on
JE2Win Pro Jockey wins odds between 1/1 - 2/1
JE2Runs Pro Jockey rides odds between 1/1 - 2/1
JE2Strike Pro Jockey strike rate odds between 1/1 - 2/1
J23Win Pro Jockey wins odds between 2/1 - 3/1
J23Runs Pro Jockey rides odds between 2/1 - 3/1
J23Strike Pro Jockey strike rate odds between 2/1 - 3/1
J35Win Pro Jockey wins odds between 3/1 - 5/1
J35Runs Pro Jockey rides odds between 3/1 - 5/1
J35Strike Pro Jockey strike rate odds between 3/1 - 5/1
J59Win Pro Jockey wins odds between 5/1 - 9/1
J59Runs Pro Jockey rides odds between 5/1 - 9/1
J59Strike Pro Jockey strike rate odds between 5/1 - 9/1
J916Win Pro Jockey wins odds between 9/1 - 16/1
J916Runs Pro Jockey rides odds between 9/1 - 16/1
J916Strike Pro Jockey strike rate odds between 9/1 - 16/1
J16PlusWin Pro Jockey wins at odds of 16/1+
J16PlusRuns Pro Jockey rides at odds of 16/1+
J16PlusStrike Pro Jockey strike rate at odds of 16/1+
TBreakWins Pro Trainer wins after a horse break
TBreakRuns Pro Trainer runs after a horse break
TBreakStrike Pro Trainer strike rate horse break
TDebutWins Pro Trainer wins after a horse debut
TDebutRuns Pro Trainer runs after a horse debut
TDebutStrike Pro Trainer strike rate horse debut
THGBackWins Pro Trainer wins after a horse headgear back on
THGBackRuns Pro Trainer runs after a horse headgear back on
THGBackStrike Pro Trainer strike rate horse headgear back on
THGFirstWins Pro Trainer wins with horse headgear first on
THGFirstRuns Pro Trainer runs with horse headgear first on
THGFirstStrike Pro Trainer strike rate horse headgear first on
THGHcp1sttWins Pro Trainer wins with horse 1st handicap
THGHcp1sttRuns Pro Trainer runs with horse 1st handicap
THGHcp1sttStrike Pro Trainer strike rate horse 1st handicap
TFavWin Pro Trainer wins favourites
TFavRuns Pro Trainer runs favourites
TFavStrike Pro Trainer strike rate favourites
TOOWin Pro Trainer wins odds on
TOORuns Pro Trainer runs odds on
TOOStrike Pro Trainer strike rate odds on
TE2Win Pro Trainer wins odds between 1/1 - 2/1
TE2Runs Pro Trainer runs odds between 1/1 - 2/1
TE2Strike Pro Trainer strike rate odds between 1/1 - 2/1
T23Win Pro Trainer wins odds between 2/1 - 3/1
T23Runs Pro Trainer runs odds between 2/1 - 3/1
T23Strike Pro Trainer strike rate odds between 2/1 - 3/1
T35Win Pro Trainer wins odds between 3/1 - 5/1
T35Runs Pro Trainer runs odds between 3/1 - 5/1
T35Strike Pro Trainer strike rate odds between 3/1 - 5/1
T59Win Pro Trainer wins odds between 5/1 - 9/1
T59Runs Pro Trainer runs odds between 5/1 - 9/1
T59Strike Pro Trainer strike rate odds between 5/1 - 9/1
T916Win Pro Trainer wins odds between 9/1 - 16/1
T916Runs Pro Trainer runs odds between 9/1 - 16/1
T916Strike Pro Trainer strike rate odds between 9/1 - 16/1
T16PlusWin Pro Trainer wins at odds of 16/1+
T16PlusRuns Pro Trainer runs at odds of 16/1+
T16PlusStrike Pro Trainer strike rate at odds of 16/1+
WeightRank Pro Weight rank for todays race
HCAPScore Pro The higher the number, the better handicapped the horse is
SameJockey Pro True, if the same jockey rides as last race
GoodGoing Pro Filters Number of good performances the horse has run on todays going
ORWinner Pro Filters True, if the horse has won at today's official rating or better
ORWins Pro Number of times the horse has won at today's official rating or better
ORPlaced Pro Filters True, if the horse has placed at today's official rating or better
ORPlaces Pro Filters Number of times the horse has placed at today's official rating or better
HighClassWin Pro Filters True, if the horse has won in a higher class (1-7) or race
CatClassWinner Pro Filters BOTH - Horse has won in higher and same class, SAME - Horse has won in today's class, HIGH - Horse has won in higher class but not today's lower class
GradeWinner Pro Filters Horse has won in today's grade of race (Group, 0-145 handicap, etc)
HighGradeWinner Pro Filters Horse has won in a higher grade of race (Group, 0-145 handicap, etc)
CatGradeWinner Pro Filters BOTH - Horse has won in grade (Group race, 0-145 Handicap, etd) and higher grade, SAME - Horse has won in grade, HIGH - Horse has won in grade, but not todays lower grade
ShrewdTrainer Pro Filters Y if the trainer is deemed to be shrewd and often does well in these types of races
TopRTypeTrainer Pro Filters Y if the trainer is deemed to be in the top 20 percent of winning trainers in these types of races
TopRTypeJockey Pro Filters Y if the jockey is deemed to be in the top 20 percent of winning jockeys in these types of races
BrkRuns Pro Filters Runs Since Break
LastRaceWins Pro Filters Number of winners from last race
ClassRate Pro Estimate of running well in class. 1 - Good, 2 - Okay, 3 - Poor
FreshCount Pro Number of times the horse has run well after a layoff
LastBestSpeed Pro Filters True, if last race same type was horses best speed
LastBestSpeed3 Pro True, if horses best speed in last 3 races
LastBestForm Pro Filters True, if last race same type was horses best form
LastBestForm3 Pro True, if horses best form in last 3 races
FutureEntry Pro Filters True, if horse has a future race entry
JockeyRides Pro Filters Number of times the jockey has ridden the horse
TrainerRuns Pro Filters Number of times the trainer has run the horse
LastTimeWin Pro Filters True, if horse won last time out
LastWin Pro Number of days since winning
NewTrain Pro Filters True, if horse has a new trainer today
Noted Pro Filters True, if horse has been noted in last x days
RunsSinceGelded Pro Filters Runs since horse was gelded
SameCourse Pro True, if horse ran at same course last time
SameCourse_2 Pro True, if horse ran at same course within last two runs
Family Pro Filters True, if jockey and trainer have the same surname
JAllow Basic Jockey weight allowance
Wgt Basic Horse weight to carry
Travelled Pro Filters Distance horse has travelled to race

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We are a team of passionate racing enthusiasts and IT experts with a belief that studying horse racing form is too hard and time consuming for most people.

By developing products like BetTurtle, our goal is to make horse racing more rewarding for our customers.


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