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Horse Racing - Dutch Betting

Horse Race Stalls

Dutch betting is a strategy that allows you to cover multiple selections in a race and make a profit irrespective of which selection wins. This strategy requires some math and a good understanding of betting odds, but when executed properly, it can be a very effective way to spread risk and improve your chances of seeing a return. Here's how Dutch betting works in the context of horse racing:

The Basics:

The basic principle of Dutch betting is to divide your total stake across multiple horses in a race so that the return is the same, no matter which horse wins. This way, you can back multiple horses without risking a large amount of money on a single horse.

How to Execute Dutch Betting:

  1. Identify Selections: Choose multiple horses that you believe have a good chance of winning the race.

  2. Calculate Odds: Convert the betting odds into decimal form, if they are not already. For example, if the odds are 5/1, then the decimal form would be 6.00.

  3. Calculate Total Probability: Add up the reciprocals of the decimal odds for all selected horses to get the total probability. For example, if you are betting on horses with decimal odds of 6.00 and 4.00, the total probability would be (1/6 + 1/4 = 0.1667 + 0.25 = 0.4167).

  4. Calculate Individual Stakes: Divide the reciprocal of each horse's odds by the total probability, then multiply by your total stake to get the individual stake for each horse.


  1. Place Bets: Place your calculated individual stakes on each of the selected horses.

  2. Collect Winnings: If any of your selected horses win, you should get the same return, which would be greater than your total stake.


Let's say you have £100, and you want to bet on three horses with decimal odds of 4.0, 5.0, and 6.0.

  1. Total Probability = (1/4 + 1/5 + 1/6 = 0.25 + 0.20 + 0.1667 = 0.6167).

  2. Individual Stakes:

    • Stake for Horse A = ((1/4) / 0.6167 \times 100 = £40.63)
    • Stake for Horse B = ((1/5) / 0.6167 \times 100 = £32.50)
    • Stake for Horse C = ((1/6) / 0.6167 \times 100 = £27.07)
  3. Place Bets: Bet £40.63 on Horse A, £32.50 on Horse B, and £27.07 on Horse C.

If any of the horses win, your return will be £100. This strategy allows you to increase your chances of making a profitable bet, although it may reduce the potential profit compared to a winning single bet.

Limitations and Risks:

  • Lower Profit Margins: The potential returns are typically lower compared to betting on a single horse.
  • Complex Calculations: Mistakes in calculations can result in losses.
  • Odds Changes: If the odds change after you've placed some but not all of your bets, this could affect your returns.

Remember to always bet responsibly and consider all factors such as form, jockey, and track conditions when selecting your horses.

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